Information security is all efforts to create a secure information processing platform to protect the information as an asset from damages, to prevent the acquisition of information by unauthorized persons in any environments by using the right technology with the right purpose and in the right way, to maintain the integrity of data or information during transmission in electronic media, to protect the same from unauthorized access. Information security is vital as security is important.
The main types of attacks include source code exploit, eavesdropping, denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, backdoors, direct access attacks, social or community engineering, and cryptographic attacks.
As with any business, the human factor is the most important factor in the security of computer systems. A quote by Albert Einstein, “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe. This indicates that information security will always be on the agenda.
The proliferation of information technologies and the rapid start of work and transactions that we do in our daily lives in electronic environments today make it necessary to ensure information security. To ensure the information security;
- Knowing the value of the information to be protected,
• Considering the attacks, their types and attacking behaviors in the countermeasures and the application of the policies to be determined in this respect will mitigate the troubles and threats, will prevent labor, time and financial losses, and will make great contributions to ensuring personal and corporate information security against malware or program particles that may come over the Internet.
For the avoidance of information security vulnerabilities, it is necessary for individuals and companies to take a range of measures from simple to most complex. However, even if all measures have been taken, no one and no company should consider that the systems are 100% secure due to the constantly evolving attack techniques.
In general, it should be aware that no matter how many precautions are taken in relation to information and computer systems, it is not possible to reduce the risks to zero. The most basic measures to be taken can be listed as being constantly alert to risks, i.e. attacks, effectively creating and implementing security policies that will eliminate the attacks and minimize the possibility of being affected by attacks by making necessary updates in light of new developments.